Assistant of Chief Operating Officer
運營總監 助理
- A.R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院院士
Associate of ARAD Royal Academy of Dance
- R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院最高級別獨舞員文憑
Solo Seal Award of Royal Academy of Dance
- 香港演藝學院舞蹈學院 (芭蕾舞系)
Graduated of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Ballet)
- 前廣州芭蕾舞團演員
Former Dancer of GuangZhou ballet
- 香港佳佳舞蹈學院 資深導師
Senior Instructor of Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing
三歲開始學習芭蕾舞,1999年獲選參加中國國家芭蕾舞團新編大型舞劇中國版《胡桃夾子》之演出。2007年超新星芭蕾舞大賞(G6)女子第六組銅獎,並獲香港芭蕾舞學會頒發獎學金前往丹麥Bourneville Seminar進修及交流,由於交流期間表現出色,因此2008年再度獲得當地創辦人Vivi Flindt頒發獎學金,再次前往丹麥進修。同年考入香港演藝學院芭蕾舞系,亦獲得本院頒發 《學院獎學金》第一階段。
Natalie Chung began learning ballet at the age of three .She was selected in 1999 to perform in the Chinese version of The Nutcracker by the National Ballet of China. In 2007, she won the Bronze medal in the women's G6 and was awarded a scholarship by the Hong Kong Ballet Group to attend the Bourneville Seminar in Denmark. As a result of her outstanding performance during the exchange, she was awarded another scholarship by local founder Vivi Flindt in 2008 and returned to Denmark for further study. In the same year, she was admitted to the Ballet Faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and was awarded the first stage of the Academy Scholarship from Hong Kong Camy Academy of Dancing.
2009年被挑選與香港芭蕾舞團合作,遠赴北京演出著名古典芭蕾舞劇《吉賽爾》。同年十月,與香港芭蕾舞團同台演出《羅密歐與茱麗葉》。2011年3月被派往澳門與香港舞蹈團合作參加第22屆澳門藝術節。7月畢業於香港演藝學院,並獲得學院頒發傑出舞蹈學生獎學金及匯豐銀行慈善基金 - 香港與內地學生交流獎學金,前往中國瀋陽作藝術文化交流。8月再度與香港芭蕾舞團合作,演出古典芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》。
In 2009 she was later selected to perform the famous classical ballet Giselle in Beijing in collaboration with the Hong Kong Ballet. In October of the same year, She performed Romeo and Juliet with Hong Kong Ballet. In March 2011, she went to Macau to participate in the 22nd Macau Arts Festival in cooperation with the Hong Kong Dance Company. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts in July and received a scholarship from the Academy for Outstanding Dance Students and the HSBC Charitable Fund - Hong Kong-Mainland Student Exchange Scholarship to Shenyang, China for artistic and cultural exchange. In August, she was again collaborated with the Hong Kong Ballet to perform the classical ballet Swan Lake.
2012年7月考入廣州芭蕾舞團,成為全職舞蹈員。在舞團期間,曾演出新編當代芭蕾舞劇《唐詩宋詞》,大型古典芭蕾舞劇《吉賽爾》,《巴赫塔》,及《胡桃夾子》中國娃娃一角。2014年8月擔任香港芭蕾舞學會50周年演出《The Sleeping Princess》女主角。同年獲邀擔任歌手鄭秀文Touch Mi 演唱會客席獨舞員。2015年正式留校任教,開始負責公開比賽,排練演出及外地舞蹈交流。2017年12月考獲R.A.D.英國皇家芭蕾舞學院最高級別獨舞員文憑 (Solo Seal Award)。
In July 2012, she joined Guangzhou Ballet as a full-time dancer. During the dance troupe, she performed the new contemporary ballet "Tang Poetry song", classical ballet "Giselle", "Paquita", and "The Nutcracker" Chinese doll corner.In August 2014, she performed The Sleeping Princess for the 50th anniversary of the Hong Kong Ballet Group. In the same year, she was invited to be a guest solo dancer at the Touch Mi concert of singer Sammi Cheng. She was awarded the R.A.D. Royal Academy of dance Highest Level Solo Dancer Diploma(Solo Seal Award) in December 2017. From 2016 to 2020, she participated in and planned a number of events organized by the Hong Kong Youth Dance Association, e.g. the Asian Youth Dance Gala, Asian Elite Dance Competition, and the International Ballet Exchange Programme.